Board Spotlight: Randy Isenhower Golden LEAF Board Chair

May 9, 2018

City of Residence: Newton, NC

County of Residence: Catawba County

Appointed by: President Pro Tem of the Senate

Employer: Sigmon, Isenhower & Barkley

Occupation: Lawyer

Golden LEAF Board Leadership Roles:

  • Chair of the Board – 2018
  • Vice Chair of the Board – 2016-2017
  • Secretary 2014-2015

What are other activities or leadership roles do you provide for the community?

  • Chairman of Catawba County Commission
  • Board of Directors of Partners Behavior Health
  • Elder, Concordia Lutheran Church

What is your connection to rural, tobacco-dependent or economically distressed areas?

I am a native of Catawba County, NC, a mostly rural area. Our area experienced severe job losses, particularly in our traditional industries of furniture and textiles, beginning in the late l990’s. While we are making progress, we still work hard to establish a good economic base.

How does your personal and/or professional life complement Golden LEAF’s mission and priorities?

I have long enjoyed serving the people in a volunteer capacity. Of course, carrying out the Golden LEAF’s mission serves the good citizens of our great state.

What are you most excited about seeing happen in economic development in rural NC in the next 5-10 years?

To have the people in the rural areas confident that their counties are prospering, and proud of their heritage and communities.

What do you want people to know about the Golden LEAF Foundation?

I would like people to know that the staff and board of Golden LEAF are dedicated to the best interest of the people of NC, and work hard to accomplish the mission of the Foundation. Golden LEAF takes seriously its mission with the funds entrusted to us, and have been good stewards, working with entities in the state to bring about educational opportunities and jobs.

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