SITE Comparison

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Golden LEAF recognizes that rural and economically distressed communities must have sites available for development to attract new businesses and create opportunities for existing businesses to expand.

How do I know which Golden LEAF program is best for my project needs?
Please check out the summary table of major Golden LEAF program differences below, and click the header to be linked to each program page. Be sure to reach out to Golden LEAF staff to discuss your project and which program would be the best fit prior to starting an application. In some cases, a project may fit in multiple programs.

Open Grants Program

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Economic Catalyst

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Community Based Grants Initiative (CBGI)

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Key Characteristics
Smaller awards, open year round

Key Characteristics
Larger awards, amounts tied to job creation commitments, proposals usually coordinated with NC Department of Commerce, EDPNC, and local economic development groups.

Key Characteristics
Available in one Prosperity Zone each year

Key Characteristics
Site identification, due diligence, and infrastructure; larger grants for infrastructure

Application Cycle
Open year round, two-stage process

Application Cycle
Open year round; single-stage application process

Application Cycle
Visit the CBGI page for the current and upcoming Prosperity Zones

Application Cycle
Open year round; single-stage application process

Maximum Award

Maximum Award
No formal limit set; see program page for details

Maximum Award

Maximum Award
Typically up to $50,000 for site due diligence; up to $1,500,000 for site development

Required job creation commitment from a company

Required job creation commitment from a company

Required job creation commitment from a company

Required job creation commitment from a company

Use of Funds
Public infrastructure; clearing and grading (publicly owned sites only)

Use of Funds
Public infrastructure; clearing and grading (publicly owned sites only)

Use of Funds
Some due diligence; public infrastructure; clearing and grading (publicly owned sites only)

Use of Funds
Site identification; due diligence; public infrastructure; clearing and grading (publicly owned sites only)

Open Grants Program

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Key Characteristics
Smaller awards, open year round

Application Cycle
Open year round, two-stage process

Maximum Award

Required job creation commitment from a company

Use of Funds
Public infrastructure; clearing and grading (publicly owned sites only)

Economic Catalyst

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Key Characteristics
Larger awards, amounts tied to job creation commitments, proposals usually coordinated with NC Department of Commerce, EDPNC, and local economic development groups.

Application Cycle
Open year round; single-stage application process

Maximum Award
No formal limit set; see program page for details

Required job creation commitment from a company

Use of Funds
Public infrastructure; clearing and grading (publicly owned sites only)

Community Based Grants Initiative (CBGI)

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Key Characteristics
Available in one Prosperity Zone each year

Application Cycle
Visit the CBGI page for the current and upcoming Prosperity Zones

Maximum Award

Required job creation commitment from a company

Use of Funds
Some due diligence; public infrastructure; clearing and grading (publicly owned sites only)


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Key Characteristics
Site identification, due diligence, and infrastructure; larger grants for infrastructure

Application Cycle
Open year round; single-stage application process

Maximum Award
Typically up to $50,000 for site due diligence; up to $1,500,000 for site development

Required job creation commitment from a company

Use of Funds
Site identification; due diligence; public infrastructure; clearing and grading (publicly owned sites only)