Name: Jerome Vick
City of Residence: Wilson
County of Residence: Wilson
Employment: Vick Family Farms
Appointed by: President Pro Tempore
Golden LEAF Board Leadership Roles: Finance Committee (2014-2023)
What are other activities or leadership roles do you provide for the community?
I serve on several boards that support work throughout the state. Locally, I serve on the Healthcare Foundation of Wilson’s Board as the Program Committee Chairman and on the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Finance Committee. I also serve Barton College on the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Board of the University of Mount Olive.
What is your connection to rural, tobacco-dependent or economically distressed areas?
I am a lifelong resident of and work in a rural, tobacco-dependent and economically distressed area.
How does your personal and/or professional life complement Golden LEAF’s mission and priorities?
I have invested everything I have made on farmland and real estate in N.C.
What are you most excited about seeing happen in economic development in rural NC in the next 5-10 years?
I’m excited about seeing a large population increase because N.C. is such a great place to live and work.
What do you want people to know about the Golden LEAF Foundation?
Golden LEAF Foundation’s whole mission is to improve the lives and well-being of the citizens of North Carolina.