Sweet Potato Business Enhancement Program – A Long Term Initiative To Expand the Sales and Consumption of North Carolina Sweet Potatoes

North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission Foundation, Inc.
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:

The purpose of this Golden LEAF grant is to provide a third year of support to devise and implement a comprehensive strategy to measurably and sustainably increase the demand for and consumption of NC sweet potatoes. Objectives for the third year of this project are as follows: (1) complete test marketing for a minimum of 5 value-added sweet potato products; (2) evaluate progress and expand distribution as warranted; (3) assist product manufacturers in engineering products with NC sweet potatoes; and, (4) provide assistance with applications and technical problem solving.

Ms. Sue Johnson-Langdon1327 N. Brightleaf Blvd.Suite HSmithfield, North Carolina 27577(919) 989-7323
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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