Spring Creek Office for Rural Economic Development! (SCORED!)

Madison County
Program Area:
Community-Based Grants Initiative
County of Applicant:

This award provides funding to Madison County to support the Spring Creek Office for Rural Economic Development. Broadband is coming to Spring Creek and access to high-speed internet will be available to allow online businesses to grow and curriculum and continuing education courses to be available onsite. Residents will be able to take a variety of Asheville-Buncombe Community College courses online, in-person, and via hybrid course instruction. The curriculum and continuing education courses will include entrepreneurship and small business development, computer applications, construction and trades, health and fitness, hospitality, and information technology. Courses and workshops will also be offered to help residents grow their agribusinesses and home-based companies. Residents will receive training on how to start and operate their enterprises and will manage sales of products locally and via internet sales. Golden LEAF funds will be used to renovate and upfit a portion of the Spring Creek Community Center that will be used for educational and business development purposes.

Ms. Alice W McVey258 Carolina LaneMarshall, North Carolina 28753(828) 622-9716

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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