Plymouth Phase A: Dental

Metropolitan Community Health Services, Inc.
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:

This grant provides funding to Metropolitan Community Health Services, Inc. (MCHS) to help establish a Federally Qualified Health Center new access point in Plymouth, NC. The local health department does not provide dental care and no longer provides primary care services to adults. Golden LEAF funds will be used for upfit and equipment for the dental suite. This community health center will also provide primary care in its first phase and add behavioral health services in phase two. MCHS has received a $1 million grant from Health Resources and Services Administration toward this $1.9 million project. Dental services at MCHS in Plymouth are anticipated to create seven full-time jobs and provide care to 2,500 patients. Golden LEAF funds will be used for the renovation of the dental section of the health center facility.

Dr. Michael L. McDuffiePO Box 1886120 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.Washington, North Carolina 27889(252) 644-7002
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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