Northampton Career & Technical Academy of Innovation
Northampton County Schools
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:
This award provides funding to Northampton County Schools (NCS) to establish the Northampton Career & Technical Academy of Innovation (Academy) to provide students with technical skills in fields in demand in the county and surrounding areas. The Academy will be housed in a renovated section of a former high school. Students who enroll in the Academy will attend their traditional high school three days per week and will be transported to the Academy the other two days. NCS will partner with Roanoke-Chowan Community College to offer five College and Career Promise (CCP) Pathways including HVAC, Welding, Nursing, Cosmetology, and EMT. NCS will also offer Career and Technical Education pathways including Automotive Technology/Diesel Mechanic, health careers, Agriculture Science/Agribusiness, and Industrial Systems Technology. Golden LEAF funds will be used for some upfit of the old high school, transportation, certifications, supplies and materials, and outreach.