Leadership Support for Digital Learning Initiatives

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North Carolina State University – Friday Institute



Program Area:

Open Grants Program

County of Applicant:





The purpose of this Golden LEAF grant is to provide funding to NCSU to develop Hyde County Airport as a center for flying unmanned aircraft systems (UASs). This project will demonstrate the feasibility and functionality of the airport for this purpose while also providing initial research data to local farmers, the FAA, industry partners, and university researchers about UASs. Farmers will be able to use aerial imagery of crops captured by the UAS to analyze things such as crop stress, ripeness, and fertilization needs. The long-term goals of the project are for the airport to become a center for UAS testing and research and to develop economic activity in Hyde County and other NC locations. Golden LEAF funds would be used for equipment, including a UAS package and communications equipment. Other funders include the NCDOT, which is providing $500,000 for a hangar, and Bosh Global Services, which will provide $300,000 in in-kind support for flight operations. Bosch also anticipates creating ten near-term jobs at the airport and in Fayetteville area to support the test site operations, and as many as 100 new jobs over time.


Ms. Emmy Coleman
1890 Main Campus Drive
Campus Box 7249
North Carolina 
(919) 513-8552