This Golden LEAF grant will provide funding to Martin Community College to expand its Industrial Systems Technology programs and provide training necessary to support an expansion at Ann’s House of Nuts (AHON) in Robersonville. AHON is investing more than $7 million in a new polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packaging line that will allow the company to maintain a $20 million account with one of its main customers. If AHON does not add this packaging line, it may lose its contract which would result in the loss of 25 jobs. By adding this new PET line, AHON will be able to add 50 positions in Robbersonville. Martin Community College will use Golden LEAF grant funds to expand a building used by the Industrial Systems Technology programs by 1,000 square feet, and to purchase automated equipment to train students in skills needed to fill technical operator and maintenance technician positions at AHON. These skills are also useful at other local businesses that use advanced technology and electronic controls in production.