Increasing Capacity for the Center for Advance Manufacturing (ICCAM)
Guilford Technical Community College
Program Area:
Community-Based Grants Initiative
County of Applicant:
The purpose of this grant is to assist Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC) with the expansion of the college’s welding and machining programs by purchasing additional welding booths, cutting stations, and industrial robotic welders. GTCC is currently renovating a vacant building that will house the Center for Advanced Manufacturing to provide needed space to support area workforce training needs. GTCC expects to increase course offerings for curriculum, continuing education and customized training programs. Current facilities do not allow the college adequate space to support all requests for training by industry and non-credit students. The new facilities will increase the capacity of the GTCC Computer Integrated Machining program. Expansion plans include the addition of welding booths and the installation of industrial robotic welders to satisfy training needs for the college’s current industrial base.