North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority
Program Area:
Golden LEAF Scholarship Program
County of Applicant:
This grant will provide funding to NCSEAA to continue the Golden LEAF Scholars program. This grant will support annual scholarships of $3,000 ($12,000 over 4 years) to 215 new recipients and 532 renewal scholars, and scholarships of $1,500 to 10 students enrolled in the Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses program (RIBN). Scholarship recipients must demonstrate financial need and be from a rural county that is economically distressed or tobacco dependent. NCSEAA administers all aspects of the program, including the application process and selection of the scholars. Recipients can be high school seniors or community college transfer students. The scholarship application process assesses the scholars’ connection to rural North Carolina with the hope of identifying students that are more likely to return to rural areas of the state after graduation. Scholars may use the funds to attend an eligible public or private non-profit four-year school in North Carolina.