Golden LEAF Scholars Leadership Program

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Center for Creative Leadership



Program Area:

Golden LEAF Scholarship Program

County of Applicant:





The purpose of this grant is to provide a third year of funding to the Center for Creative Leadership to support the participation of the freshmen, sophomore and junior cohorts in the Golden LEAF Scholars Leadership Program. The program will serve up to 275 Golden LEAF Scholars (120 freshmen, 115 sophomores and 40 juniors). Sophomore and junior cohorts will participate in a fall leadership development conference in November 2012, the freshman cohort will participate in a three-day leadership development conference in January 2013, and all three cohorts will end the year with a closing conference in September 2013. Freshmen and sophomores receive leadership coaching throughout the year. Participants also engage in a paid summer internship aligned with career interests in a rural county that is economically distressed or tobacco dependent. Students receive $2,500 for participation in the leadership training and internship. The goals of the program include developing the leadership skills of the students and exposing them to professional opportunities in rural and economically distressed communities in the hopes that some will return to rural areas of the state and make positive contributions in those communities as rural leaders.


Ms. Laura J. Weber
One Leadership Place
North Carolina 
(336) 286-4429