Essential Skills in Advanced Manufacturing Initiative
County of Applicant:
Mitchell CC will use this Golden LEAF grant to leverage current and previous investments by Back to Work ($453,960) and Duke Energy ($207,500) supporting advanced manufacturing workforce training to enhance existing capabilities in mechatronics, welding and mechanical engineering. The additional investment will allow the college to increase the number of students served in these programs, create simulated work environments for training similar to those of industry production lines and meet growing employment demands of area industry. A recent local workforce analysis identified more than 1,000 advanced manufacturing jobs openings in the next 4 years. Support letters were received from seven companies identifying 274 full-time and 60 part-time positions that are expected to be filled in the next 24 to 36 months with most expressing difficulty finding qualified applicants to hire. Funds will be used to purchase automation equipment to simulate robotic production, pneumatic and industrial control training units, robotic welding equipment, computers and software.