Lumberton, specifically in the area of Linkhaw Road, experiences flooding in any two-inch or greater rain event. The city completed several studies to develop strategies to resolve flooding throughout the city. This project area is part of its existing studies and is located along a major thoroughfare that is in a 518-acre drainage area. The specific project site is at the downstream end of a drainage ditch that has larger pipes upstream. Due to the undersized existing piping, this project site creates a bottleneck for stormwater flow. Golden LEAF flood mitigation grant funds will be used to upsize the capacity of stormwater at the juncture of Linkhaw Rd and the railroad. The applicant proposes to install stormwater infrastructure to increase the capacity of the flow under the railroad which will require widening the canal to accommodate it. The stormwater will flow into a culvert downstream and into an existing impoundment area. Once the infrastructure work is completed, the city will be able to utilize the road more reliably for emergency services. There are households, public and private entities (including a kidney dialysis center), and a nursing facility in the immediate project area.