Developing a Sustainable Medicinal Herbs Market for North Carolina

Institute of Nutrition
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:

Under the direction of the Institute of Nutrition at UNC, a consortium proposes to develop a sustainable herbs market for NC farmers. The consortium is made up of leaders with expertise in agriculture, pharmacology, nutrition, epidemiology, public health, medicine, mental health, economics and business. Funds from the grant will be used to develop medicinal herb production and marketing information; to assess and monitor human health consequences of the types of medicinal herbs being grown; to expand production of new safe and efficacious medicinal herbs; and to disseminate best practices.

Dr. Susan A. GaylordP.O. Box 2435Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27515
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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