Center for Industrial Technology & Engineering (CITE)
Wayne Community College
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:
This award provides funding to Wayne Community College (WCC) to support development of a new, 40,000-square-foot training facility known as the Center for Industrial Technology and Engineering (CITE) to address an increasing need for skilled workers in manufacturing and related areas. CITE would expand the capacity of WCC’s applied technology curriculum programs, including HVAC, industrial systems technology/mechatronics, machining, mechanical engineering and operations management. The new facility would also allow WCC to add targeted Continuing Education courses that lead to its applied technology curriculum programs. As a result of this expansion, the college expects to grow graduation figures for the curriculum programs at the CITE by 50% over five years, and to serve 124 individuals annually through its new continuing education offerings. Significant funding for the project has been secured from State Capital and Infrastructure Funds, Wayne County, and the WCC Foundation. Golden LEAF funds will be used for the purchase and installation of equipment within the new facility.