ABC of NC Campus/Workforce Expansion

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ABC of NC Foundation



Program Area:

Open Grants Program

County of Applicant:





This grant provides funding to the ABC of NC Foundation to support construction of a new clinical building needed to meet an expanded demand for comprehensive autism services. Founded in 2002, ABC of NC is one of three specialized educational centers for autism in North Carolina and the only center-based Medicaid provider of autism behavioral services. With autism prevalence rates rising more than 120% since 2000 and increased coverage of intensive autism therapies by some insurance providers, the demand for autism services is increasing. ABC of NC will meet this demand by building a 5,300 square foot diagnostic and therapeutic building and expanding its services, creating more than 45 new healthcare-related jobs. The project will also provide vocational/job support services for teens with autism transitioning into adulthood and the workforce, and increase access to affordable autism services for financially disadvantaged families. Golden LEAF funds will be used to construct and equip the new clinical and vocational training spaces of the new building.


Ms. Casey Raymer
905 Friedberg Church Road
North Carolina 
(336) 767-6730