2016-2018 NCBCE Teachers@Work® – STEM East Expansion
North Carolina Business Committee for Education
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:
This grant provides funding to the North Carolina Business Committee for Education to assist with the expansion of its Teachers@Work® program to schools participating in the STEM East initiative in several eastern North Carolina counties. The program brings workforce relevancy into the classroom by providing teachers with work-based learning experiences in local businesses and assistance to deliver content through hands-on experiences that connect student learning to work applications. Twelve businesses and 25 teachers are expected to participate during the first year, with 22 additional teachers served in the second year. Teams of two or more teachers are selected and paired with a participating business to expose them to skills required for employment. During their experience, teachers will learn best practices and leadership principles to implement in the classroom. Golden LEAF funds will be used to support teacher work experiences and for professional development, third-party evaluation, project management, and other program costs.