“10% Campaign”: Growing Demand for Local Foods in North Carolina
North Carolina State University
Program Area:
Local Foods Initiative
County of Applicant:
The purpose of this Golden LEAF grant is to support a campaign to encourage people to spend at least 10% of their food dollars on local foods. This effort emerges from the 2009 Farm to Fork Summit that was organized by the Center for Environmental Farming Systems. This program will develop an interactive statewide campaign to engage North Carolina residents and policy makers and encourage incorporation of the 10% Campaign goals in existing economic development strategies and procurement policies. Strategies will be coordinated with ongoing marketing efforts, including ASAP’s Appalachian Grown label and NCDA&CS’s Got to be NC program. Leading food distribution and food service companies have agreed to assist with the program, and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service will designate a ‘Local Foods Coordinator’ in every county as part of the project.