Golden LEAF Board Spotlight: Charles P. Brown

November 11, 2020

Name: Charles P. Brown
City of Residence: Albemarle, NC
County of Residence: Stanly County
Employed by: Brown, Brown & Brown, PLLC
Appointed by: Governor
Appointment Date: August 2020

What are activities or leadership roles you provide for the community/state?

I currently serve as Chair of Rural Infrastructure Authority, which awards grants to support economic development in rural communities. I currently serve on the Stanly County Economic Development Commission and have served on the commission for eleven years. I previously served on the Board of the Rural Economic Development Center and as the Chair of Stanly County Board of Education.

What is your connection to rural, tobacco-dependent or economically distressed areas?

I am a lifelong resident of Stanly County, a tier two county in the South Piedmont region. The South Piedmont is an area with both tier one and tier two counties, with relatively high unemployment. I have worked for more than 30 years to create jobs and enhance quality of life in rural counties. Prior to joining the Golden LEAF Board, I worked for more than 10 years leading an effort to bring the manufacturer Charlotte Pipe and Foundry to Stanly County. This project will bring more than 300 high paying jobs to my community. I worked very closely with county commissioners on the incentive package and worked on legislation with the General Assembly. In April 2019, several funding partners including the Golden LEAF Foundation and the Rural Infrastructure Authority awarded funds to support this project that I am so passionate about.

How does your personal and/or professional life complement Golden LEAF’s mission and priorities?

My economic development experience and my educational background provides a solid foundation to support economically depressed communities as they work through business and legal aspects of economic development. I have also assisted numerous clients with organizing and expanding businesses.

What are you most excited about seeing happen in economic development in rural NC in the next 5-10 years?

I look forward to broadband being expanded to all counties and all areas of rural North Carolina. I would like to see more access to specialized training in our State’s Community College system. I look forward to seeing partnerships with private entities and foundations to provide quality healthcare in rural North Carolina.

What do you want people to know about the Golden LEAF foundation?

People should know that the Golden LEAF Foundation is led by and managed by a solid team of talented, experienced, highly respected individuals. The Golden LEAF Foundation is led by an engaged board of individuals with broad experience in business, in finance, in economic development, all who serve without expectation of personal gain or benefit. The Golden LEAF Foundation, through its staff and its board, has been a dependable, respected steward of over a billion dollars of tobacco settlement funds while distributing over three hundred million dollars to strengthen North Carolina’s long-term economy.

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