North Carolina is a national leader in agriculture production, but even still small- to medium-sized farms often have a hard time getting into certain markets. One solution to the issue could be something as simple as cooler access. In February 2018, Reinvestment Partners, a community development nonprofit in Durham, N.C.,… read more
Agriculture is a top employer in Wilkes County, with 22 percent of the county’s jobs in agriculture, according to John Cothren, Wilkes County N.C. State Agriculture Extension Agent. Wilkes County ranks second in broiler chicken production, second in hay production, and third in all cattle production. Golden LEAF funds have… read more
Sweet potatoes are the number one vegetable crop grown in North Carolina with annual cash receipts of more than $300 million. North Carolina is the number one producer of sweet potatoes in the United States. Golden LEAF has helped support this important crop through funding programs to enhance sweet potato… read more
The N.C. State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences recently nominated Golden LEAF for the National Agricultural Alumni Development Association (NAADA) Corporate Partner award in recognition of the Foundation’s work to fund innovations to address hard-to-solve economic and agricultural issues. This award recognizes a company or private entity for… read more
Agribusiness is an economic powerhouse for North Carolina, contributing more than $80 billion annually to its economy. Yet despite the state’s thriving agricultural industry, currently between 80 and 90 percent of the value involved in transforming North Carolina farmers’ products into retail goods happen outside of the state. In order… read more
The Golden LEAF Foundation joined approximately 400 supporters to help break ground on the Plant Sciences Initiative building on September 6, 2019 in a standing-room only ceremony at North Carolina State University. This project was the result of a common goal and partnership between many organizations, including the Foundation, to… read more