Job Creation
and Economic

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Golden LEAF funds economic development projects that focus on creating and retaining jobs, attracting new business to North Carolina, expanding industries and training new workers. Primarily, these projects are meant to create, expand, or improve business activity in tobacco-dependent, economically distressed or rural communities. Golden LEAF partners with the North Carolina Department of Commerce, the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina, and local governments to provide gap funding to assist with job creation.

Projects in this priority area gather data to support outcomes including:

  • Investment in publicly owned infrastructure
  • Investment in privately owned property, plant, and equipment
  • New full-time jobs created
  • Average annual wage of new full-time jobs
  • Business start-ups
  • New housing units

As well as narrative outcomes including: jobs retained that were at risk without Golden LEAF support; comparison to county wages; job creation in identified job sectors; etc.

Projects are awarded in this priority area through all Golden LEAF programs. Please review the information and links below to determine which program might be best for your project.

Job Creation and Economic Investment News

Copy of Scholar Spotlight (24)

Partnership results in anchor tenant, 263 new jobs in Henderson County

In 2020, a partnership between several economic development entities helped bring quality jobs to a new industrial park in Henderson County. “The Economic Investment Fund of Henderson County and the Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development had the strategic vision to create an industrial park that would bring capital investment and quality jobs to the area,” said Brittany Brady, President and CEO of Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development.
January 22, 2025
Job Creation & Economic Investment

Golden LEAF’s Job Creation and Economic Investment Priority Area

Golden LEAF funds Job Creation and Economic Investment projects that focus on creating and retaining jobs, attracting new business to North Carolina, expanding industries and training new workers.
January 22, 2025
Critical Conversations (45)

Critical Conversations with Scott T. Hamilton featuring Interim Chair of Economics at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Dr. Alfredo Romero

Recently, Golden LEAF President, Chief Executive Officer Scott T. Hamilton sat down with Dr. Alfredo Romero, Interim Chair of Economics at North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University, via Zoom and filmed an episode of Critical Conversations. In this series, Scott talks with professionals about economic development issues affecting the state.
January 9, 2025