This award provides funding to support the expansion of the welding program at Coastal Carolina Community College (CCCC) to address a significant shortage of welders across several local industries, including large scale military construction and mechanical contractors working at Camp Lejeune and the New River Air Station, local boat builders, and smaller welding and fabrication companies. CCCC secured funding for a welding lab and plans to offer a new intensive eight-week welding series several times throughout the year in the lab. Each series will culminate with participants earning industry credentials sufficient to secure entry level welding positions. In addition, CCCC is partnering with Onslow County Schools to increase the pipeline of high school students with welding experience by expanding the existing welding program at the Eastern NC Regional Skills Center. It is projected that these combined efforts will result in an additional 180 students earning third party/industry credentials over a 2-year period. Golden LEAF funding will be used for renovations, equipment, supplies, program outreach, participant support, and initial personnel costs.