Town of Benson Stormwater Infrastructure Rehabilitation

Town of Benson
Program Area:
Disaster Recovery Grant Program
County of Applicant:

Flooding from Hurricane Matthew caused significant damage to several areas of Benson’s stormwater infrastructure. The damaged system is causing sinkholes and other issues throughout the town. Benson is working to repair the identified areas where its stormwater system has failed, including conducting a study to determine the appropriate corrective actions for the damaged sections. Golden LEAF disaster recovery grant funds are will be used to complete stormwater repairs in identified troubled areas in the Town.

Ms. Kimberly T. Pickett303 E. Church StreetBenson, North Carolina 27504(919) 894-3553
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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