T3 2.0: Technology, Teaching and Transformation 1:1 Initiative

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Franklin County Public Schools



Program Area:

Community-Based Grants Initiative

County of Applicant:





The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to Franklin County Schools to expand a pilot digital learning initiative — T3 2.0: Technology, Teaching and Transformation 1:1 — to serve all middle and high school students in the district. In addition to providing devices for students’ school and home use, the district will contract with the Friday Institute to deliver professional development to teachers to enhance teaching and learning through the effective use of technology. The district will also work to extend wireless access for students outside of the school day. Projected outcomes for the initiative include increasing student EOC/EOG proficiency scores in core subjects, closing student and district achievement gaps, increasing the number of teachers trained and effectively using technology for instruction, and increasing internal capacity to implement and measure the impact of educational innovations. Golden LEAF funds will be used to purchase Chromebooks for students and teachers and hardware to increase Internet access by students after school.


Ms. Sondra Ayscue
53 West River Road
North Carolina 
(919) 496-2600