The City of Statesville experiences frequent flooding along Sunningdale Lane. The city reports that the road has washed out on two occasions. Washouts have the potential to impact water, sewer, and gas lines. The city hired an engineering firm to conduct a pre-engineering analysis on the existing infrastructure. The report found that the 48” reinforced concrete cross pipe is undersized. The city has also found that the existing infrastructure cannot carry the amount of water present during a five-year storm event. Golden LEAF flood mitigation grants funds will be used to complete the engineering and design costs to replace the 48” cross pipe with a reinforced concrete box culvert. Increasing the capacity of the infrastructure will allow it to convey a 25-year storm event. Households in the immediate project area will benefit from this project. Additionally, completion of this project will protect existing infrastructure from being washed out. The city anticipates using funds from its capital budget to pay for the remainder of the project costs, including construction.