Stormwater Mapping and Assessment

Town of Kenansville, N.C.
Program Area:
Flood Mitigation Program
County of Applicant:

The Town of Kenansville experiences frequent flooding during heavy rain and tropical events. Emergency services and court proceedings are affected by localized flooding. Golden LEAF flood mitigation grant funds will be used to map existing stormwater systems throughout the town. Engineers will perform field surveys to determine the location, elevation and rating of all stormwater pipes and canals. Maps will be generated and loaded into the town’s GIS maps. The asset inventory created will include a current-condition assessment identifying priority areas and allowing the town to be proactive in stormwater management and budgeting each fiscal year. The entire town will benefit from this project.

Gerald (Jerry) GeraldTown of KenansvilleKenansville, North Carolina
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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