This award provides funding to Mount Airy City Schools (MACS) to support the expansion of three high school health science programs by locating them at Northern Regional Hospital. The project involves renovating space at the hospital to create a health science classroom and health science lab and dedicated office space for the program. By locating the program in a hospital, the students will receive real life experiences in their training. This will be a Career and College Promise program serving students from Mt. Airy City, North Surry, and East Surry high schools. Surry Community College will provide the instructor and offer the courses. The three high schools expect to increase their CNA students by a total of 30 each year. In addition, Surry Community College expects to serve 40 adult students through evening programs. Obtaining the CNA credential allows students to meet employer demand and continue their post-secondary education into several allied health programs. Golden LEAF funds will be used for classroom/lab equipment, renovations, instructional equipment (CPR mannequin), and technology for the course lab.