Rebuild Craven County

Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders, Inc.
Program Area:
Hurricane Florence Disaster Relief Grant Program
County of Applicant:

Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders (FCDR) was organized in 2005 as a project of Habitat for Humanity in response to Hurricane Katrina. In 2008, the group became organized as the disaster response section of the Fuller Center for Housing focused on rebuilding homes for low income and at-risk populations. FCDR will work in Craven County to do immediate repairs necessary to return a home to be safe, secure, and functional. Homes will be identified by the Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance (CCDRA), the FEMA designated long-term recovery group in Craven County. The CCDRA handles case management and works with partners to address unmet needs. Funding awarded from the NC Hurricane Florence Relief Fund will be used for construction materials, subcontractors, tools, and transportation of materials.

Mr. Bartow Tucker2304 US-70New Bern, North Carolina 28560(228) 297-8480
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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