Pipeline Building in Advanced Manufacturing Certifications
GuilfordWorks / Workforce Development Board
Program Area:
CBGI – Community-Based Grants Initiative
County of Applicant:
This award provided funding to GuilfordWorks to support education and training to help meet the demand from new businesses and industries located in the Piedmont Triad that have reached out to GuilfordWorks to help them recruit long-term workers. Areas of focus are advanced manufacturing, industrial technology, biotechnology, and skilled trades. Renewable energy, clean energy, and the electrical vehicle industries are growing in Guilford County and the Piedmont Triad region. Working with partnering institutions, GuilfordWorks will implement this program by providing career awareness, industry sector partnerships, classroom training, and work-based learning. GuilfordWorks will use its mobile unit to reach into neighborhoods, focusing on people who are looking for employment. GuilfordWorks anticipates serving 50 participants with at least 10 successfully completing a curriculum program, 25 completing continuing education courses, and 20 participating in work-based learning. Golden LEAF funds will be used for personnel, work-based learning, support services, equipment, outreach, instruction, and travel costs.