Piedmont Community College – PN Program

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Piedmont Community College Foundation Inc



Program Area:

Open Grants Program

County of Applicant:





This award provides funding to the Piedmont Community College Foundation (PCC) to support establishment of a new Practical Nursing (PN) program at Piedmont Community College to prepare graduates for work in hospitals, clinics, physician offices, health departments, and urgent care facilities. Currently there are more than 300 PN job openings within the college’s two-county service area of Person and Caswell Counties. Person Memorial Hospital, the sole hospital in the service area, which is located within a mile of the campus, will donate hospital space as a clinical site for the creation of additional simulation/lab areas and may also offer scholarships to students agreeing to practice locally upon program completion. The first cohort of students is expected to start January 2024 with a target class size of 24 students. PCC will request to increase enrollment to 36 students for the second year. This is a one-year diploma program with a new cohort starting every January. Golden LEAF funds may be used for equipment and initial program personnel costs.


Tammy Duncan
Po Box 1101
North Carolina 
(336) 322-2100