Licensed to Drive: Truck Driver Training Program

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College of the Albemarle



Program Area:

Open Grants Program

County of Applicant:





This award provides funding to the College of the Albemarle (COA) Foundation to complete the startup implementation of the truck driving program located at the Edenton COA campus. The new program was established in response to demand for approximately 758 CDL drivers in the college’s seven-county region and a lack of nearby truck driving training programs, with the closest two programs located more than 60 miles away from the Edenton. COA’s Truck Driving Program began in Fall 2020 with donated equipment, under restrictive COVID protocols, and using leased driving practice space at the Edenton Municipal Airport. With existing equipment and COVID restrictions, COA has been able to enroll approximately 6 students per 10 week course. The requested equipment will allow the college to increase enrollment to approximately 12-15 students per course for an estimated total of 72 students per year. The truck driving program will be sustained by FTEs generated by student enrollment as well as student fees and general college revenues. Golden LEAF funds will be used for trucks, trailers, and related equipment, and for six months of salary for the full-time instructor/program coordinator position to complete startup implementation of the program.


Mrs. Robin G. Zinsmeister
1208 North Road Street
Elizabeth City, 
North Carolina 
(252) 335-0821