LevelUp Rockingham (formerly RoCo Works)

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Rockingham Community College



Program Area:

CBGI – Community-Based Grants Initiative

County of Applicant:





This award provides funding to Rockingham Community College (RCC) to launch LevelUp Rockingham in partnership with Rockingham County Schools and Rockingham County Economic Development. LevelUp Rockingham is an initiative to create a pipeline to address workforce needs by increasing students’ exposure to careers and expanding career and technical education (CTE) pathways that lead to industry-recognized credentials. The initiative is driven by regional data on current and future workforce needs and on feedback from industry partners. These partners have identified advanced manufacturing, health care, and construction as the three local employment sectors that have the greatest need for collaborative solutions. Through this project, key strategies will be developed to address the need in these areas including: creating additional pathways in local high schools for Advanced Manufacturing and Construction Trades; creating Career and College Promise dual enrollment continuing education pathways in Advanced Manufacturing, Health Science, and Construction Trades; enrolling high school students in the college’s curriculum Construction Trades programs that lead to certificates and credentials; providing additional work-based learning opportunities for students completing a pathway; and increasing middle and high school students’ exposure to careers. Projected outcomes include 50 students completing a continuing education course/program, 300 students earning a 3rd-party credential, 250 students completing a CTE pathway, and 200 students participating in work-based learning opportunities, such as internships and apprenticeships. Golden LEAF funds will be used for personnel, equipment/supplies, instructional technology, and participant support.


Tony Gunn
P.O. Box 38
(336) 342-4261