Lenoir Community College Vital Care Vital Signs

Lenoir Community College - Jones CAI
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:

The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to Lenoir Community College (LCC) for the Vital Signs-Vital Care project, which will train approximately 200 future healthcare workers in Greene, Jones and Lenoir counties for entry-level or higher positions in area physicians’ offices, hospitals, and in-home patient care settings. The project will find candidates for training and expose these students to jobs and career paths that lead them to higher paying positions. The College will recruit, assess, and select students for this project and notify employers when students are ready for hire. The college has ongoing partnerships with the Department of Social Services in these counties as well as with other similar organizations to market and recruit students for the Vital Signs-Vital Care project. Golden LEAF funds will be used for equipment and for student registration costs.

Ms. Renee SuttonPO Box 188231 Highway 58 SouthKinston, North Carolina 28502-0188(252) 527-6223
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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