INPUT: Instructing Nurse Practitioners in Under-served Territories
Western Carolina University
Program Area:
Healthcare Workforce Initiative
County of Applicant:
The purpose of this grant is to assist Western Carolina University (WCU) to increase the number of Family Nurse Practitioner clinical sites in rural western North Carolina and improve health and healthcare in the region by adding a full-time family nurse practitioner at the Good Samaritan Clinic of Jackson County (GSCJC). Volunteer physicians and practitioners currently serve the site one night per week. The project will allow WCU to train nine FNP students annually at GSCJC. It will also decrease the number of patients in the region who use the emergency room as primary care. Students will learn about the social determinants of rural, underserved populations and the role of primary care. The local hospital system is expected to maintain the position and associated clinical placement sites at GSCJC through cost savings to the hospital resulting from decreased emergency room visits for primary care. Golden LEAF funds will be used to pay for two years of salary for a full-time FNP.