Get REAL: Reinventing Education to Accelerate Learning

Northeast Academy for Aerospace & Advanced Technologies
Program Area:
Open Grants Program
County of Applicant:

This two-year grant provides funding to the Northeast Academy for Aerospace and Advanced Technologies (NEAAAT) to initiate and grow an innovative pre-service learning partnership with Elizabeth City State University’s (ECSU) College of Education. NEAAAT is a regional STEM school located on the campus of ECSU that prepares students to pursue careers in aerospace, computer science, and other growing career pathways in the region. NEAAAT will implement a digital learning initiative at the public charter school and establish a new collaborative (residency) model of pre-service teacher development with the university. NEAAAT classrooms will serve as demonstration sites allowing its teachers to serve as mentors for ECSU education majors and faculty. The collaboration will allow education majors multiple pre-service opportunities prior to graduating and being hired to teach. Golden LEAF funds will be used for professional development, student devices, technology, and other hardware.

Mr. Andrew R HarrisPO Box 2889Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27906(252) 562-0653
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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