Gaston County Advanced Manufacturing Career Academy
Gaston County Schools
Program Area:
Community-Based Grants Initiative
County of Applicant:
The purpose of this grant is to assist Gaston County Schools (GCS), in partnership with Gaston College, with creating an advanced manufacturing pathway that addresses the education and workforce training needs of Gaston County employers. The project will benefit the economically distressed area of western Gaston County. This project will increase the pipeline of skilled workers prepared for employment through aligning Career and Technical Education (CTE) training and post-secondary education. The advanced manufacturing pathway is a component of a long-term initiative between Gaston College and GCS to increase Career and College Promise (CCP) and other dual enrollment opportunities for area students. The two-year project will be accomplished by adopting a new CTE curriculum in Advanced Manufacturing, supporting faculty and staff with professional development, and providing students with career development support. Grant funds will be used to purchase lab equipment and classroom technology, support additional CTE instructional positions, and provide student transportation to Gaston College.