Garrison Lane Site Improvements: Project Wheel (R6)

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City of Hendersonville



Program Area:

Economic Catalyst Program

County of Applicant:





This grant provides funding to the City of Hendersonville to extend public water to a new 41-acre industrial site located in East Flat Rock. A partnership comprised of the City, Henderson County, and the Economic Investment Fund of Henderson County (EIF) will acquire the property and sell a parcel to Project Wheel. Project Wheel is Jabil Inc., a global manufacturer with more than $25 billion in revenue in FY2019. At this site, Jabil will manufacture injection molded components that are used in the healthcare industry. It will create 150 new jobs over five years paying an average annual wage of $39,867, which is slightly more than the county average of $39,512. The company will also invest $17 million in real property and $21 million in personal property at the site. Hendersonville will extend sewer to the site and the EIF will construct a road through the industrial park at a cost of $400,000.


Mr. Brent Detwiler, PE
160 Sixth Avenue E
City of Hendersonville, 
North Carolina 
(828) 697-3060