Forestdale East

Town of Jamestown
Program Area:
Flood Mitigation and Recovery Program
County of Applicant:

Wiltshire Drive, Royal Road and O’Neil Drive experience frequent flooding as a result of undersized culverts and infrastructure which do not allow for sufficient flow during rain events. As a result, water overtops the road resulting in washouts and damage to the road. Golden LEAF flood mitigation grant funds will be used for construction expenses to replace the current infrastructure with larger pipes at O’Neil Drive, Royal Road, and Wiltshire Drive. The Town of Jamestown will use its funds for construction and engineering for O’Neil Drive. Households and users of the road will benefit from this project.

Rebecca Ashby301 E. Main StreetPO Box 848Jamestown, NC 27282336-454-1138
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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