The purpose of this grant is to support East Carolina University’s efforts to enhance its ability to serve students who wish to earn a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology degree “in place.” It will also allow ECU to provide training to incumbent workers in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry to meet the needs of their employers. ECU identified demand for over 400 new employees in just five pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in the bio-pharma crescent of Edgecombe, Johnston, Nash, Pitt, and Wilson counties. Subsequently, Thermo Fischer Scientific announced a major expansion in Pitt County that will result in the creation of over 500 new positions. Most of the new jobs in these pharmaceutical manufacturing companies require a bachelor’s degree. This program will allow ECU to reach students and existing manufacturing employees in the pharmaceutical industry who need to retrain and expand their skills. ECU will be able to give them access to coursework and virtual skills training without requiring that they attend classes on the ECU campus. Community colleges and industry partners will participate by sharing complementary resources to allow access to training on their campuses. Golden LEAF funds will be used for equipment at ECU and participating community colleges and for personnel to develop courses and manage the programs over two years.