Cyber Security Academy

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Lexington City Schools



Program Area:

Open Grants Program

County of Applicant:





This grant will provide funding to Lexington City Schools to establish a Cybersecurity Academy. The Academy will create a new pipeline of courses and opportunities for students to establish a workforce of highly trained and credentialed technicians who are prepared to meet the cybersecurity demand in the local and regional areas. The district anticipates enrolling 24 students per year beginning August 2020 with 80% of students completing the pathway by the end of their senior year. Lexington City Schools will partner with Davidson County Community College, local businesses, and industry to establish internship and apprenticeship programs and courses that offer students the opportunity to earn third-party credentials. The students will begin at the middle school level with exploratory programs followed by a sequence of classes completed at the high school and community college level. Upon successful completion, students will leave high school with a certification in cybersecurity and can either begin their career or continue their education toward a post-secondary degree in the cybersecurity field. Golden LEAF funds will be used for some costs of the students taking Career and College Promise courses, professional development, and other program expenses necessary to implement a cybersecurity program.


Ms. Nicole Piggott
1010 Fair St.
North Carolina 
(336) 242-1527