Closing the Construction Industry Workforce Skills Gap

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Cape Fear Community College



Program Area:

CBGI – Community-Based Grants Initiative

County of Applicant:

New Hanover




This award provides funding to Cape Fear Community College to support workforce training in the electrical trades to address the current shortage of trained electricians in New Hanover and Pender counties. To increase the number of electrical apprentices, the project will provide high school students with an opportunity to earn level one apprenticeship credentials. The electrical youth apprenticeship will serve high school juniors and seniors seeking career pathways by providing a Career and College Promise CTE pathway with tuition-free course credits toward an industry-recognized workforce credential. The college is partnering with community organizations and industry associations including the Cape Fear Electrical Contractors Association and the Cape Fear Workforce Development Board. The project anticipates training 99 students who will become U.S. Department of Labor journeyman electricians. Golden LEAF fund will be used for instructors, construction, instructional equipment, and technology.


Emily Holt
411 North Front Street
North Carolina 
(910) 251-5109