Clinton Levee WWTP Outfall Repair

City of Clinton
Program Area:
Disaster Recovery Grant Program
County of Applicant:

A portion of the levee surrounding the Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plan began eroding following Hurricane Matthew and significantly worsened following Hurricane Florence. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) constructed the levee in 1999 to protect the wastewater treatment plant from hurricane related flooding. In addition to the levee, the USACE project included a stormwater pumping station that removes water from within the levee. Golden LEAF Disaster Recovery Grant Program funds will be used for the improved repair of the levee and of the valve system that is part of the stormwater pumping system.

Mr. Russell Byrd, PE221 Lisbon StreetClinton, North Carolina 28328(910) 299-4905
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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