Bringing MSC II Testing Services to Scale

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Catawba Valley Community College



Program Area:

Open Grants Program

County of Applicant:





This award will support Catawba Valley Community College’s expansion of its Manufacturing Solutions Center (MSC) which provides workforce training, prototyping, product testing and development, and other services to new and existing businesses in the textile industry in North Carolina. Since 2012, MSC has leased a 30,000-square-foot facility, MSC I, from the City of Conover. Using over $8 million in state appropriations and other grants, the City of Conover has constructed and equipped a new 75,000-square-foot facility, MSC II, adjacent to the original site. The city and MSC have partnered with Whiskbroom, LLC to develop 45,000 square feet that will be leased to MSC’s incubator graduate companies. The city will lease the remaining 30,000 square feet of MSC II to MSC to expand MSC’s testing and prototyping of fibers and fabrics needed for the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other products and to assist efforts to re-shore American textile production. MSC II will house a Fabric Formation Lab and a PPE Textile Resource Lab. MSC anticipates supporting approximately 216 product development projects through the Fabric Formation Lab and securing support and membership of approximately 175 suppliers and 40 manufacturers through the PPE Textile Resource Lab. Additionally, MSC expects to train 40 individuals annually in Cut & Sew Workshops and that 20 new jobs will be created by its clients. Golden LEAF funds will be used for a portion of the salaries and benefits for the first two years of employment for four new positions at MSC II. The positions will be sustained by revenues generated from MSC’s operations.


Jeffrey Neuville
2550 Highway70 SE
North Carolina 
(828) 327-7000