Golden LEAF Scholarship Alumni Spotlight: Tristan Hunter

February 23, 2022

Name: Tristan Hunter
High School Attended: Nash Rocky Mount Early College High School
Home County: Nash
College(s) Attended/ Years Attended: East Carolina University (2015-2018); University of Kansas (2018-2020); and University of Phoenix (2020-2023)
Degrees: B.S in Middle Grades Education; Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction; and Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
County Now Living In: Nash County
Employer: Word Tabernacle Church
Title: Director of Childhood, College, and Career Success
Years Working for Current Employer: 1 year
Follow on LinkedIn: Clicking here

What were some of your major accomplishments during college?

Some of my major accomplishments during my undergraduate career include being an ECU College of Education Apple Ambassador, an ECU Ambassador, and serving in multiple leadership roles in ECU’s Student Government Association.

What would you tell someone interested in applying for the Golden LEAF Scholarship about being a recipient?

I would highly recommend this Scholarship program to anyone in the qualifying counties who is considering returning back to a rural county to support its development. This scholarship program will equip you with a ton of transferable skills through the leadership program and will also help you build an amazing network of support across North Carolina.

What helped you decide to live/ work in a rural area?

One of the determining factors that helped me decide to live and work in a rural area is the number of opportunities found in rural areas. Rural areas such as this one allows you to create opportunities and support initiatives that you would not have the access to if you lived in other parts of North Carolina. The opportunities are endless.

What is your hope for rural North Carolina?

My hope for rural North Carolina is to expand the educational opportunities found within rural North Carolina while also increasing the equity throughout rural North Carolina.

What does rural mean?

Rural is limitless. My rural community is changing lives holistically. I used to think rural meant country, farm-like, but now I know it means to be developing and growing.

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