The Open Grants Program allows applicants to apply for Golden LEAF funding throughout the year. Eligible applicants are governmental entities and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Awards in the Open Grants Program are $500,000 or less.
The Golden LEAF Foundation is committed to using the funds entrusted to it for projects that show the most potential for strengthening North Carolina’s economy, especially in tobacco-dependent, economically distressed, and/or rural communities.
This program is for economic development projects aligned with the Golden LEAF priority areas. More details regarding Golden LEAF’s priority areas and priority outcomes are available at the links below.
Competitive applications for projects include requests for funds to:
If you are not sure if your project is a fit for this program, please contact Golden LEAF staff to discuss prior to submission of an application.
For more information on how Golden LEAF evaluates Open Grants proposals, including detailed characteristics of competitive projects, please review the frequently asked questions, or contact Golden LEAF staff for assistance.
Golden LEAF has identified quantitative outcomes for each priority area used to measure the success of a project in achieving the mission of Golden LEAF. Competitive applications will typically include projections for one or more of these measures to assess project success.
Presenting a project for review involves a two-stage application process. This two-stage review will help each applicant avoid investing time and resources in completing the full application for a project that is not likely to receive funding. We encourage all potential applicants to take the Funding 101 Quiz and contact Golden LEAF staff prior to submitting a Stage 1 Application to learn more about Golden LEAF and the application process. Although an invitation to submit a Stage 2 Application indicates interest in learning more about a project, it does not indicate that funds will be awarded or the level of funding.
Step 1
Applicants will complete an online Stage 1 Application. The Stage 1 Application requires basic information about the applicant, a brief description of the project and the outcomes expected, and an explanation of how Golden LEAF funds would be used. For projects that will continue after the conclusion of the requested funding, the application also requires information about how the program will be sustained.
The Golden LEAF Board will review and determine which projects appear to meet Golden LEAF’s priorities for the Open Grants Program and are likely to be competitive for funding. The Board will select applicants to invite to submit a Stage 2 Application. An invitation to submit a Stage 2 Application indicates an interest in learning more about a project and does not guarantee funds will be awarded. Applicants not invited to submit a Stage 2 Application are declined at this point.
Step 2
Invited applicants will complete an online Stage 2 Application for review and consideration for funding by the Golden LEAF Board. The Stage 2 Application will gather more detailed information about the applicant, including prior year audits and financials, and more detailed information about the project, how it will be implemented, and the outcomes expected.
Golden LEAF staff will use its best efforts to bring Stage 1 and Stage 2 Applications before the Board as soon as possible. Generally, Stage 1 and Stage 2 Application decisions are made at two separate Golden LEAF Board meetings.
The Golden LEAF Board meets in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Click here for the calendar or explore below:
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Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting on
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Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting on
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Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting on
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Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting on
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Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting on
Submitted via the online system by 12PM
Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting on
When the Golden LEAF Board has declined to invite a Stage 2 Application for a project or has declined to fund a project, applications for support of the same or a substantially similar project may not be resubmitted for a period of six months from the date of the Golden LEAF Board’s decision. This does not preclude an applicant from submitting a Stage 1 Application for a different project.
Please see this link to a document with information regarding exceptions to required disclosure of public records applicable to the Golden LEAF Foundation.
Necus, quias aut id quatiuntin num auda dolupta tiaspel ipsamusae nos recus, saerita ipsunt. Bus, aut officti nulparum recab id quiam cuptat. Expelignam quo modis ma erum eum consenim quis endebis experum ut lanto bea doluptaspe audi nis audamenditio maios eni tecearit id ut deligen isciis eatiur, sundio. Et aspiciis int quis nimet offic tendi doluptat que ex eum de omnim dolent ut maiorpo rendemque verum ut audae porrum ius.
Otaquib usandig enitae consed quaesequunti aut et haruntur a velis moluptatios andi cuptas voluptatio. Accusci aectibu samendellia veritem olesciaectus solores solupid elecati simust, simet pro volenis apero iunt as est, arum am suntiam qui dis molupta tendendella quia sintorp oresequam si tem ex et ipsanis re odi ut ad mosanda nisquam, conseque volupta eperspedit excero volupiendunt molorepta aborestibus, corepudit qui ni quisinvenis intur a veni nist abore archill itiberu ptius, ut laboreh endebis essi qui dollore hendae officiae omniscietur?
Necus, quias aut id quatiuntin num auda dolupta tiaspel ipsamusae nos recus, saerita ipsunt. Bus, aut officti nulparum recab id quiam cuptat. Expelignam quo modis ma erum eum consenim quis endebis experum ut lanto bea doluptaspe audi nis audamenditio maios eni tecearit id ut deligen isciis eatiur, sundio. Et aspiciis int quis nimet offic tendi doluptat que ex eum de omnim dolent ut maiorpo rendemque verum ut audae porrum ius.
Otaquib usandig enitae consed quaesequunti aut et haruntur a velis moluptatios andi cuptas voluptatio. Accusci aectibu samendellia veritem olesciaectus solores solupid elecati simust, simet pro volenis apero iunt as est, arum am suntiam qui dis molupta tendendella quia sintorp oresequam si tem ex et ipsanis re odi ut ad mosanda nisquam, conseque volupta eperspedit excero volupiendunt molorepta aborestibus, corepudit qui ni quisinvenis intur a veni nist abore archill itiberu ptius, ut laboreh endebis essi qui dollore hendae officiae omniscietur?
Necus, quias aut id quatiuntin num auda dolupta tiaspel ipsamusae nos recus, saerita ipsunt. Bus, aut officti nulparum recab id quiam cuptat. Expelignam quo modis ma erum eum consenim quis endebis experum ut lanto bea doluptaspe audi nis audamenditio maios eni tecearit id ut deligen isciis eatiur, sundio. Et aspiciis int quis nimet offic tendi doluptat que ex eum de omnim dolent ut maiorpo rendemque verum ut audae porrum ius.
Otaquib usandig enitae consed quaesequunti aut et haruntur a velis moluptatios andi cuptas voluptatio. Accusci aectibu samendellia veritem olesciaectus solores solupid elecati simust, simet pro volenis apero iunt as est, arum am suntiam qui dis molupta tendendella quia sintorp oresequam si tem ex et ipsanis re odi ut ad mosanda nisquam, conseque volupta eperspedit excero volupiendunt molorepta aborestibus, corepudit qui ni quisinvenis intur a veni nist abore archill itiberu ptius, ut laboreh endebis essi qui dollore hendae officiae omniscietur?
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Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting on
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Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting
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Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting on
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Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting on
Submitted via the online system by 12PM
Reviewed by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors no later than its regularly scheduled meeting