CBGI - North Central
Prosperity Zone

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Counties from the North Central Prosperity Zone are invited to participate in our Community-Based Grants Initiative (CBGI). The counties in the North Central Prosperity Zone are Chatham, Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Granville, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Nash, Orange, Person, Vance, Wake, Warren, and Wilson.

The process is competitive, but organizations from all counties within the North Central Prosperity Zone will have an opportunity to participate.

The CBGI is designed to identify projects with the potential to have a significant impact. It is a focused process with grants targeted toward investments in the building blocks of economic growth. Funds are limited to projects that address Golden LEAF priorities of job creation and economic investment, agriculture, and workforce preparedness.

Available Funds

A total of $11 million is available to support projects in the region. Awards are limited to no more than three projects in any county and may total no more than $1.5 million in any county. Not all proposals will be funded and there is no assurance that there will be a funded project in every county. Funds may also be awarded for regional projects (see information below), which will not count toward the limit of projects in a county, but regional projects are funded through the overall $11 million program budget.

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Click the button below to sign up to be notified when the process formally begins.

Eligible Entities

Applicants must be 501(c)(3) organizations or governmental entities (county and municipal governments, community colleges, universities, etc.). Funds do not have to be administered or implemented by the county government.


County managers serve a key role in the process. Each county manager will submit projects to Golden LEAF for feedback and later endorse a slate of up to four projects for consideration. Each county will determine how to identify which projects will be endorsed for this initiative. Only projects that have been endorsed and regional projects will be eligible to submit an application for consideration by the Golden LEAF Board of Directors.

Regional Projects

Eligible entities may submit regional projects for consideration. Regional projects do not require county manager endorsement but must reach out to discuss with Golden LEAF staff to ensure the project meets the eligibility requirements for regional projects.

Regional projects must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Collaboration of entities in at least three counties 
  • Collaboration outside of traditional service areas

Upcoming Events

Golden LEAF will hold workshops for interested applicants in the coming months. Sign up for updates to be notified of these events.


Timeline includes anticipated milestones by month and will be updated with final, specific due dates as they are determined.


For more information on the Community-Based Grants Initiative, contact Programs staff.