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How Can We Help You Move the Economic Needle in Your Community

Golden LEAF has three standard programs open to eligible entities seeking grants: Open Grants Program, Economic Catalyst Program, and the SITE Program. These programs complement other ongoing initiatives of the Foundation, such as the Community-Based Grants Initiative.


Open Grants Program

The Open Grants Program process is open to all governmental entities and 501(c)(3) organizations that propose projects in Golden LEAF’s priority areas.

The Open Grants Program is focused in the areas of Job Creation and Economic Investment; Workforce Preparedness; Agriculture.


Economic Catalyst

The Economic Catalyst process is open to governmental entities and 501(c)(3) organizations with projects that will create jobs at risk without Golden LEAF funding.

Grants include: funds for public infrastructure, job training, upfit for buildings owned by governmental or nonprofit entities, or equipment acquisition where the building or equipment will be leased or sold at fair-market value to a company creating jobs.

Due Diligence_SITE

SITE Program

The SITE Program is open to all governmental entities and 501(c)(3) organizations that propose projects for site identification, due diligence, and development.


Community-Based Grants Initiative

The Golden LEAF Community-Based Grants Initiative (CBGI) focuses on building blocks of economic growth through targeted outreach in one Prosperity Zone at a time.

After you read through each program description, feel free to contact a member of the program staff if you have further questions about eligibility or program requirements or priorities.