Value-Added Meat Processing

North Carolina Cooperative Extension - Caswell County Center
Program Area:
Community Assistance Initiative
County of Applicant:

This Golden LEAF grant will assist Caswell County Cooperative Extension with its efforts to work with Matkins Meat Processors, Inc. to assist area livestock farmers with producing value-added products such as hot dogs and sausages. The ability of farmers to produce value-added goods will allow them to reach additional markets, increase farm income, and remain in business. Matkins Meats is a 51-year old, family-owned business that currently serves over 100 North Carolina farmers.

Mr. Joey E. Knight IIIPO Box 220126 Court SquareYanceyville, North Carolina 27379(336) 694-4158
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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