Task Support to the NC JOBS Commission

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Program Area:
UNC-Chapel Hill Collaborative Initiative
County of Applicant:

The purpose of this grant is to allow UNC-CH to provide assistance for the JOBS Commission. Projects that may be funded include: 1) compiling data requested by the Commission; 2) drafting Commission reports and/or legislative language for the NC State Board of Education and the General Assembly Education Committees; and 3) supporting the economic development regions with creating recommendations for the Commission and integrating those reports into full Commission reports.

Ms. Jean M. EliaOffice of Sponsored Research104 Airport Drive, Suite 2200Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-1350(919) 962-2624
Areas Served:

Any project more than a couple of years old may not reflect current Board priorities.
Please contact a staff member with any questions.

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